Our mission is to support St. Clare's Church in the short, medium and long term.
Short term
The church has to concentrate its funds and its work force on priority areas and it is never possible to do everything it would like to do. So Friends of St. Clare's, will in time, be able to step in with financial help. For example Friends of St. Clare's have provided a wheelchair to be used in emergencies. Over the years, happily not very often, a member of the congregation or hall user will take ill. Previously an ordinary chair has been used to drag the person to the foyer for fresh air or to take an ambulance. Now the wheelchair allows this to take place with more dignity and speed. It also saves damaging the floor.
Another example of our short term support is the purchase of some large games for 'Messy Church' This will help the organisers with their already brilliant efforts to run what has become a vital part of our church diary, and recently £50 was donated to Shine Choir for a new microphone stand. This was donated by Noel Bennett. See more information on these subjects in achievements found under the heading - More .
There are many committees and organisations to which applications can be made for funding and we will naturally apply to them. This will usually be when we are raising funds for a specific reason within our short and medium term projects. We will raise money for our long term project mainly via membership donations. We will also hold events to not only raise funds but also engage members socially. There are other sources of income and methods of fund raising that we will also be looking into.
There will be three separate funds. One for short and medium term projects. One for long term investments and one for sponsorship.
Donations will always be used for short, medium or long term use. Membership fees are for long term investment and both these funds will never be used for administration or similar expenses but every penny will always be spent directly in support of the church. Whilst on the subject, no one (Friends of St. Clare's Officials) and that includes Noel Bennett will ever be paid for work they do for Friends of St. Clare's.
This fund is set up so that those who donate towards our short, medium and long term funds will be happy in the knowledge that every penny of their donation will be used to the support of St. Clare's Church. It will not, without their permission, be counted as sponsorship. We are seeking sponsorship to pay for administration, promotions, printing, postage, web site and other related costs including advertising campaigns to increase membership. We are searching for companies or individuals who would like to sponsor Friends of St. Clare's in return for their logo and other wording being placed on all our signage.
If you as an individual or you know of a company who would like to know more about our sponsorship deals available please get in touch.
These terms are subject to the Constitution.
All membership payments will go into the investment account.
When sponsorship is requested or specified it will be used for the administration and running costs of the charity.
Specific donations will be used for the item or project specified.
If the donations given cover whatever is specified and there are funds left over, these leftover funds shall be used towards the next project.
Any general donations are those that are not specified and can be used mainly for short and medium-length projects.
However, any of the three accounts. Investment, sponsorship and general can be used when thought appropriate by the committee, making reference to the constitution.
By donating, donors agree to these terms.
Noel F Bennett